DEERE RADIUS EXCAVATOR STEEL DEALER DIE CUT Sign ENAMEL 28″ H BY 26 1/2″ W. NOTE: Images/photos have a proprietary watermark in the background. Makes a GREAT gift for the heavy equipment operator. This piece is heavy duty and built to impress. If for any reason it does not meet and exceed your expectations I WILL take it back. The white marks are simply camera flash. ANY WHITE or BRIGHT white marks are ONLY glare from reflected light when photos were taken. Sign is glossy and reflects light. You can actually see yourself and other mirrored reflections in the sign. VERY HEAVY DUTY AWESOME REPRESENTATION! Depending on what country you are in it COULD TAKE UP TO 45 days! DO NOT hold this against me. This information should be very helpful for those buyers who don’t want to get ripped off! DOZENS of the same signs. Common sense reality check people. There is NO WAY someone has a never-ending supply of the same exact porcelain, used, preowned and vintage signs unless they are making them. These are fantasy fake reproductions listed as porcelain, used, preowned and vintage and are NOT even porcelain. The vast majority of buyers do not know the difference at all and this is what these deceptive sellers are counting on. Most of our signs are NEW and our listings are transparent. These signs are intentionally made to look old or vintage & described as preowned. The vast majority of these newbie sellers are mass producing their “preowned” signs of just about everything vintage they can find on the internet. Of course, these sellers are purposely not transparent with their descriptions. They are intentionally vague as most buyers do not take the time to do the research. In addition, they describe them as porcelain & 99.9% are. The vast majority are a digitally enhanced graphics on steel or tin & then beat up using a multitude of various methods to accelerate an aged appearance. Everything from soaking in acid solutions & various concoctions of special chemicals all mixed, used & designed to produce & sell preowned signs with a vintage appearance. All of this performed in the art of deception. Inspecting the back of the signs they are all virtually identical. Either black or white with bubbles & scratches here and there in various different spots. Ultimately, it is very easy to spot these types/kinds of signs. There are dozens of sellers practicing the same identical questionable business practices mass producing fake porcelain fantasy signs. For the most part many of these signs are of decent quality & reasonably priced. However, several of these sellers have literally pirated Electolite® original images & artwork designed by Electolite® years & literally decades ago. If you GOOGLE Reddy Kilowatt almost every third image on the Worldwide web is associated with Electolite®. Everything Reddy from original rare antique representations to multiple unique fabrications ONLY available by/through Electolite®. We are absolutely one of the few known expert sources for all things Reddy Kilowatt. This is a communication to sign buyers and collectors in an effort to assist in educating the public with real information about how a small group or consortium of sellers are operating. The corporate mascot created in 1926 by Ashton B. Of the Alabama Power Company. Reddy has a light bulb for a nose, wall outlets for ears with a torso & limbs made of lightning bolts. The character was licensed to power companies across the United States to represent electricity as a safe & useful utility. Employed by more than 200 different companies at one time, he is rarely seen outside of antique malls and garage sales these days. Unique & extraordinary, our signs & Reddy Kilowatt memorabilia have been carefully selected & designed from the genuine Reddy Kilowatt Mat Service Proof Index Artwork from the original artists at Reddy Kilowatt, Inc. 750 Third Avenue, New York 17, N. Company that offers these particular ORIGINAL OLD STYLE artwork selections of Reddy Kilowatt.